Amber Jeffcoat
Trade Consultant

Amber Jeffcoat is an international trade analyst who provides SAS® computer programming and data analytic support in antidumping duty (AD) investigations and administrative reviews before the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC).  Amber has worked regularly with clients to co-ordinate all data collection, understand the clients’ business structure and determine the most beneficial reporting methodologies.  Amber is a crucial part of the litigation team who analyzes complex issues in order to develop strategies and improve client results. Amber also compiles clients’ sales and cost data, estimates potential AD duty liability, participates in foreign and U.S. verifications of clients, and examines the DOC’s comprehensive SAS® margin calculation programs for clerical or methodological errors.  Amber has supported clients in unfair trade proceedings involving a variety of consumer and industrial products around the world, including clients in Argentina, China, Japan, South Korea, Russia, and Spain.

Prior to Joining Trade Pacific

Amber’s career began after receiving her MBA and being selected as a Presidential Management Fellow at the U.S. Department of Commerce.  Amber worked for over four years in the AD/CVD enforcement division at the U.S. Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration as a senior case manager.  In that capacity, Amber was responsible for managing all aspects of AD investigations and administrative reviews, including quantitative and qualitative analysis of foreign respondents’ sales and cost data, leading many on-site verifications of foreign respondents, calculating AD duty margins using the SAS® software, and drafting official agency determinations.  Amber then worked as a senior international trade analyst at a prominent Washington D.C.-based law firm for eight years on AD matters prior to joining Trade Pacific.


Undergraduate in Accounting, Louisiana State University
Undergraduate in Marketing, Texas State University
M.B.A., Louisiana State University